Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ready to Ride and Help

Hey guys, I'm really looking forward to hearing what's going to be happening this spring with UB cycling. I loved helping the team out last semester and can probably do the same this semester. I hope to hear about some rides going on soon and I look forward to seeing you all after break. Tim

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bike Stolen

The BUSS is stolen. The setup is pretty much the same shown in the picture except the rear fender was broken in half by me. Please help out if you seen it being ridden or locked up somewhere, maybe ebay or craiglist.

Thank You for reading,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's like facebook but with less applications! Come be my friend and be friendly over the internet. Plus you get to post cool shots of your steed and things like top speed and other manly numbers. It's the cool thing to do!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Battenkill Race Registration

Tour of Battenkill online registrations have opened at Bike reg and places are filling in fast. Nate, didn't you want to do this race?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Road Season

Assuming there is a team and I want to race next spring, what do I have to do and by when?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fight Club

If a MTB and a Road Bike got into a fight. Who would win?

Fight Club

If a MTB and a Road Bike got into a fight. Who would win?
If a MTB and a Road Bike got into a fight. Who would win?

Friday, October 5, 2007


To all SA Clubs:

This is being sent out as a reminder to sign up for the Homecoming HALFTIME P ARADE on Saturday, October 6th. There is a sign up sheet located in the SA Office, 350 Student Union. SA Entertainment staff will be bringing over your banners to the stadium on Saturday morning so you do not need to worry about taking those down and bringing it with you.

Also, we are still looking for clubs to work CARNIVAL on Friday, October 5th. If you are able to work or are interested, please stop by the SA Entertainment Office at 361 Student Union and fill out an application.

For those who are interested: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR HOMECOMING KING AND QUEEN APPLICATIONS!!!! Come pick up/drop off your applications in the SA office, 350 Student Union. This carries a cash prize of up to $200. The forum will take place on Thursday in the Student Union.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to get in contact with Takla at

VOLUNTEER OPPURTUNITY: Reacreation and Intramurals department is looking for volunteers to clean the stadium for the next 4 games. The dates are as follows: 10/6, 10/13, 10/27 and 11/17. The times will be from 3:45PM- 5:45PM. This is a two hour community Service. Remember that all clubs are required to do a minimum of 2 community services but the more you do the better it looks at the finance hearing. If you are interested please email me, and cc, and

-- Ashish C. Abraham Vice-President Student Association University at Buffalo Work: (716) 645 2950 x200

Dear Clubs- There is a concession stand opportunity for this Saturday for a group of 8 to 10 people from 9:45 am til around 3:30- 4pm. It is a paid job. Please respond ASAP, and its yours. - Club Services

51 Miles HC

51 Miles HC

51 Miles HC