Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Club Update

Looks like the wool jerseys might be a no go, because of issues with the supplier. If that is the case we're going with Hincapie Sports. They are offering us great prices and their min. order is only 10 pcs. The price for a wool jersey + bib is about the same as a long sleeve jersey + vest + bib.

We're required to do 2-2-2, 2 SA volunteer events, 2 fund raisers and attend 2 SA event. We probably have 2 SA events completed. So we need to do the other 2s. The deal is the club is going to give everyone who attends discounts on the clothing order, 10% for each event, that means you can potentially get 40% off your total clothing order for next year, if you attend all the required events. Also note, if you don't attend at least one event you're not welcomed to ride or race with us.

For all those that are planning on racing next season, you must be van tested if you have a driver's license.

The spinning class is free to club members. This is something you might want to consider during the winter month. Thanks Peelee

Tomorrow is the last free physical offered. Please take advantage if you need a physical done.

An interesting sign we saw on last weekend's ride (at least to me)

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51 Miles HC

51 Miles HC

51 Miles HC