Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Since many of us live near South, together we can commute to North and back. This is a great way to get comfortable with each other's wheels without taking too much time out of the day or wait for group rides.

These skills will also transfer over to racing.


Nate said...

I leave from elmwood and ferry at ~730 on Tuesday and Thursday going to north. I leave north between 3-4 on tuesday and 6ish on thursday. MWF I go to south leaving around 10

Xiao said...


to north around 12:15pm
to south " 8:00pm


to north: 4:15pm
to south: 9:00pm (I'm planning on getting a headlight)


to north 1:15pm.
to south 8:00pm.

I won't go over 15 mph on flats, the purpose of communting is not to get a workout.

If any of these times matched yours, you know what to do!

marthc8 said...

xiao i just acquired a headlight!! unfortunately none of my commuting times overlap with yours:(

to north 8:00 am ish every day

to south 1:00 pm ish or later everyday

51 Miles HC

51 Miles HC

51 Miles HC